C.R.A.N.E.S., Inc.
POB 3413
Madison, WI 53704 USA

Incorporated 13 January 2009
A Wisconsin Non-profit
Federal EIN 26-4056421

Fiscal Agent:
Madison Area Bus Advocates
A Tax-exempt 501(c)3 Non-profit

Capital Region Advocacy Network for Environmental Sustainability


The Capital Region Advocacy Network for Environmental Sustainability,
on behalf of its member organizations and individuals,
advocates collaboratively for the environment
of the South Central Wisconsin region
toward a high quality of life;
an ecologically sustainable and just culture;
and the celebration of the beauty of this place, both natural and built.

Through education and by its own example,
the Capital Region Advocacy Network for Environmental Sustainability
inspires individuals in the region
to lead their personal, professional, and civic lives
in ways that are just and sustainable for the region's eco-community.

The Capital Region Advocacy Network for Environmental Sustainability works
to ensure that these environmental values
have the support of elected governments and related agencies,
with programs, laws, and policies that protect or restore the natural environment,
for the benefit of all living things.